~Book Blurb Transcript~

On a quiet, chilly night in the mountains, a peaceful monastery burns to the ground. But the Queen’s target, a twelve-year-old girl named Enid, escapes with her life. Not knowing what the seventh Soulkeeper looks like, the Queen of Al-Haven resolved to burn down the entire temple.

Between her homeland and the great city-state of Al-Haven, a cancerous blight on the world has begun to spread. A layer of supernatural ice called the Frost has rapidly grown from the size of a building to the size of a country. As the Soulkeeper, Enid’s birth-given abilities are meant to help her tackle the greatest threat of the generation. After all, every Soulkeeper preceding her had a divine power that perfectly suited the problem at hand. Yet, the only ability Enid was born with is the ability to make anyone tell the truth—and even so, it comes with a cost: she is incapable of lying. How is this so-called “gift” supposed to help her stop a force of nature as unstoppable as the Frost?

Throughout Enid’s heart-wrenching journey she travels to Al-Haven, endeavors to drag the corruption into the light, and comes face-to-face with those who want her dead the most. But time is running out, and strange things are beginning to emerge from the ice…


~Artwork by Filippo Scalisi (@hey.feilipu)~